Composition depicting flow of water - A small stream springing, twining in and out, left and right forming with lustrous drops; falling like sparkling clusters of diamonds in the form of waterfall; mischeievous as a little girl
becoming steadier, as you attain youth; a young girl growing to maturity and finally achieving the calm dignity of a woman as you join the ocean - your eternal lover
Agni - The Fire, which lights the lamp of devotion. This composition can be visualized how fire starts from a spark and becomes violent which turns everything into ashes
Prace for the world
This is an experiment made by Sri Ashok Gurjale depicting beautiful life forms. Let us strive for liberty of mind and spirit. Let us strive for the peace, "Peace for the world"
Swaramadhuri - Indian Classical and western Fusion Composition by Ashok Gurjale; a combination of 5 different raagas which won National Award for “Best Music” by Doordarshan in 2001. This composition has been selected for National archives in Doordarshan